
At CMS Industries, we believe in the power of responsible business practices to shape a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is woven into the fabric of our operations, from sourcing materials to delivering top-notch furniture components.

Sustainability is not a one-time commitment but an ongoing journey. We continuously assess and evolve our practices to align with the latest environmental standards. Our company policies, including the Environmental Policy, guide our team to make responsible choices that minimise our ecological footprint.

Read on to discover how CMS Industries is leading the way in fostering sustainability within the furniture industry.



Our FSC® Certification: TT-COC-004204




At the heart of our commitment is our Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) certification (Certification Code: TT-COC-004204).

This certification underscores our dedication to sourcing wood products from responsibly managed forests, ensuring they meet strict environmental and socioeconomic standards.

As of April 1, 2009, our wooden products supplier was awarded Chain of Custody, solidifying our status as environmentally conscious manufacturers.

FSC certification not only signifies our commitment to well-managed forests but also assures our customers of products that bring environmental, social, and economic benefits.


CMS FSC Product Group Listings (179K PDF)

CMS Industries FSC Certificate

Our Wood Factories FSC Certificate



Paperpak Compliance and Ethical Purchasing




As members of Paperpak, we uphold our responsibility under producer responsibility obligation regulations 2007.

Our compliance is evident in our Paperpak Compliance Certificate (2018), and we're proud to contribute to ethical purchasing practices through our Ethical Purchasing Policy.


CMS Industries Ltd - Paperpak Compliance Certificate 2018 (50K PDF)



Environmental Stewardship in Action:

Every product leaving our warehouse is marked with material breakdowns and recycling labels, providing clarity to end-users about the recyclability of our components.

We embrace environmentally friendly materials and practices throughout our production processes.


CMS Industries Ltd - Environmental Policy (70K DOC)

CMS Industries Ltd - Ethical Purchasing Policy (62K DOC)